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The `PlainTextParam` class and method enable users to save `MsExperiment` or `XcmsExperiment` objects as collections of plain text files in a specified folder. Note that, while for all xcms results within the `XcmsExperiment` can and will be exported, the full raw MS data (of the object's `Spectra` object) will currently not be exported in plain text format. For `Spectra` using the [MsBackendMzR()] backend, the names of the raw data files will however be exported (which enables to *restore* the full `Spectra` respectively `MsExperiment` objects).

For an `MsExperiment` object, the exported files include:

- The [sampleData()] stored as a text file named *sample_data.txt*.

- The [fileNames()] of the *Spectra* object stored in a tabular format in a text file named *spectra_files.txt*.The file names will only be exported if the `Spectra` object uses a [MsBackendMzR()] backend. For other backends no information on raw spectra data is currently exported with `PlainTextParam`.

- Processing queue of the `Spectra` object, ensuring that any spectra data modifications are retained. It is stored in a `json` file named *spectra_processing_queue.json*.

For an `XcmsExperiment` object, the exported files are the same as those for an `MsExperiment` object, with the addition of the following:

- The [processHistory()] information of the object, stored in a `json` file named *process_history.json*.

- The chromatographic peak information obtained with [chromPeaks()] and [chromPeaksData()], stored in tabular format in the text files *chrom_peaks.txt* and *chrom_peak_data.txt* respectively.

- The retention time information obtained with [adjustedRtime()] stored in the text file named *rtime_adjusted.txt*.

- The [featureDefinitions()] stored in a text file named *feature_definitions.txt*. Additionally, a second file named *feature_peak_index.txt* is generated to connect the features' definitions with their names.

This `param` class and method are part of the possible dispatch of the generic function `storeResults`. The folder will be created by calling `storeResults`. If the folder already exists, previous exports in that folder might get overwritten.


PlainTextParam(path = tempdir())

# S4 method for class 'MsExperiment,PlainTextParam'
storeResults(object, param)

# S4 method for class 'XcmsExperiment,PlainTextParam'
storeResults(object, param)



for `PlainTextParam` `character(1)`, defining where the files are going to be stored. The default will be `tempdir()`.


MsExperiment or XcmsExperiment The data object that needs to be saved.


The parameter object selecting and configuring the format for saving. It can be one of the following classes: RDataParam, PlainTextParam, or MzTabMParam.


for `PlainTextParam`: a `PlainTextParam` class. `storeResults` does not return anything but saves the object to collections of different plain text files to a folder.

See also

Other xcms result export formats.: RDataParam


Philippine Louail, Johannes Rainer.


## Load test data set of class `MsExperiment`
fls <- dir(system.file("sciex", package = "msdata"), full.names = TRUE)
pd <- data.frame(file = basename(fls),
                 sample = c("POOL_1", "POOL_2"),
                 injection_index = c(1, 19),
                group = "POOL")
rownames(pd) <- c("1", "2")
mse <- readMsExperiment(fls, sampleData = pd)

## Define param
pth = file.path(tempdir(), "test")
param <- PlainTextParam(path = pth)

## Save as a collection of plain text files
storeResults(object = mse, param = param)

## Load a test data set with detected peaks, of class `XcmsExperiment`
faahko_sub <- loadXcmsData("faahko_sub2")

## Define param
pth = file.path(tempdir(), "test")
param <- PlainTextParam(path = pth)

## Save as a collection of plain text files
storeResults(object = faahko_sub, param = param)
#> Warning: '/tmp/Rtmpc5AVNi/test' already exists