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The adjustRtime method(s) perform retention time correction (alignment) between chromatograms of different samples/dataset. Alignment is performed by default on MS level 1 data. Retention times of spectra from other MS levels, if present, are subsequently adjusted based on the adjusted retention times of the MS1 spectra. Note that calling adjustRtime on a xcms result object will remove any eventually present previous alignment results as well as any correspondence analysis results. To run a second round of alignment, raw retention times need to be replaced with adjusted ones using the applyAdjustedRtime() function.

The alignment method can be specified (and configured) using a dedicated param argument.

Supported param objects are:

  • ObiwarpParam: performs retention time adjustment based on the full m/z - rt data using the obiwarp method (Prince (2006)). It is based on the original code but supports in addition alignment of multiple samples by aligning each against a center sample. The alignment is performed directly on the profile-matrix and can hence be performed independently of the peak detection or peak grouping.

  • PeakGroupsParam: performs retention time correction based on the alignment of features defined in all/most samples (corresponding to house keeping compounds or marker compounds) (Smith 2006). First the retention time deviation of these features is described by fitting either a polynomial (smooth = "loess") or a linear (smooth = "linear") function to the data points. These are then subsequently used to adjust the retention time of each spectrum in each sample (even from spectra of MS levels different than MS 1). Since the function is based on features (i.e. chromatographic peaks grouped across samples) a initial correspondence analysis has to be performed before using the groupChromPeaks() function. Alternatively, it is also possible to manually define a numeric matrix with retention times of markers in each samples that should be used for alignment. Such a matrix can be passed to the alignment function using the peakGroupsMatrix parameter of the PeakGroupsParam parameter object. By default the adjustRtimePeakGroups function is used to define this matrix. This function identifies peak groups (features) for alignment in object based on the parameters defined in param. See also do_adjustRtime_peakGroups() for the core API function.

  • LamaParama: This function performs retention time correction by aligning chromatographic data to an external reference dataset (concept and initial implementation by Carl Brunius). The process involves identifying and aligning peaks within the experimental chromatographic data, represented as an XcmsExperiment object, to a predefined set of landmark features called "lamas". These landmark features are characterized by their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) and retention time. see LamaParama() for more information on the method.


adjustRtime(object, param, ...)

# S4 method for class 'MsExperiment,ObiwarpParam'
adjustRtime(object, param, chunkSize = 2L, BPPARAM = bpparam())

# S4 method for class 'MsExperiment,PeakGroupsParam'
adjustRtime(object, param, msLevel = 1L, ...)

  minFraction = 0.9,
  extraPeaks = 1,
  smooth = "loess",
  span = 0.2,
  family = "gaussian",
  peakGroupsMatrix = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0),
  subset = integer(),
  subsetAdjust = c("average", "previous")

  binSize = 1,
  centerSample = integer(),
  response = 1L,
  distFun = "cor_opt",
  gapInit = numeric(),
  gapExtend = numeric(),
  factorDiag = 2,
  factorGap = 1,
  localAlignment = FALSE,
  initPenalty = 0,
  subset = integer(),
  subsetAdjust = c("average", "previous"),
  rtimeDifferenceThreshold = 5

adjustRtimePeakGroups(object, param = PeakGroupsParam(), msLevel = 1L)

# S4 method for class 'OnDiskMSnExp,ObiwarpParam'
adjustRtime(object, param, msLevel = 1L)

# S4 method for class 'PeakGroupsParam'

# S4 method for class 'PeakGroupsParam'
minFraction(object) <- value

# S4 method for class 'PeakGroupsParam'

# S4 method for class 'PeakGroupsParam'
extraPeaks(object) <- value

# S4 method for class 'PeakGroupsParam'

# S4 method for class 'PeakGroupsParam'
smooth(object) <- value

# S4 method for class 'PeakGroupsParam'

# S4 method for class 'PeakGroupsParam'
span(object) <- value

# S4 method for class 'PeakGroupsParam'

# S4 method for class 'PeakGroupsParam'
family(object) <- value

# S4 method for class 'PeakGroupsParam'

# S4 method for class 'PeakGroupsParam'
peakGroupsMatrix(object) <- value

# S4 method for class 'PeakGroupsParam'

# S4 method for class 'PeakGroupsParam'
subset(object) <- value

# S4 method for class 'PeakGroupsParam'

# S4 method for class 'PeakGroupsParam'
subsetAdjust(object) <- value

# S4 method for class 'ObiwarpParam'

# S4 method for class 'ObiwarpParam'
binSize(object) <- value

# S4 method for class 'ObiwarpParam'

# S4 method for class 'ObiwarpParam'
centerSample(object) <- value

# S4 method for class 'ObiwarpParam'

# S4 method for class 'ObiwarpParam'
response(object) <- value

# S4 method for class 'ObiwarpParam'

# S4 method for class 'ObiwarpParam'
distFun(object) <- value

# S4 method for class 'ObiwarpParam'

# S4 method for class 'ObiwarpParam'
gapInit(object) <- value

# S4 method for class 'ObiwarpParam'

# S4 method for class 'ObiwarpParam'
gapExtend(object) <- value

# S4 method for class 'ObiwarpParam'

# S4 method for class 'ObiwarpParam'
factorDiag(object) <- value

# S4 method for class 'ObiwarpParam'

# S4 method for class 'ObiwarpParam'
factorGap(object) <- value

# S4 method for class 'ObiwarpParam'

# S4 method for class 'ObiwarpParam'
localAlignment(object) <- value

# S4 method for class 'ObiwarpParam'

# S4 method for class 'ObiwarpParam'
initPenalty(object) <- value

# S4 method for class 'ObiwarpParam'

# S4 method for class 'ObiwarpParam'
subset(object) <- value

# S4 method for class 'ObiwarpParam'

# S4 method for class 'ObiwarpParam'
subsetAdjust(object) <- value

# S4 method for class 'XCMSnExp,PeakGroupsParam'
adjustRtime(object, param, msLevel = 1L)

# S4 method for class 'XCMSnExp,ObiwarpParam'
adjustRtime(object, param, msLevel = 1L)



For adjustRtime: an MSnbase::OnDiskMSnExp(), XCMSnExp(), MsExperiment::MsExperiment() or XcmsExperiment() object.


The parameter object defining the alignment method (and its setting).




For adjustRtime if object is either an MsExperiment or XcmsExperiment: integer(1) defining the number of files (samples) that should be loaded into memory and processed at the same time. Alignment is then performed in parallel (per sample) on this subset of loaded data. This setting thus allows to balance between memory demand and speed (due to parallel processing). Because parallel processing can only performed on the subset of data currently loaded into memory in each iteration, the value for chunkSize should match the defined parallel setting setup. Using a parallel processing setup using 4 CPUs (separate processes) but using chunkSize = 1will not perform any parallel processing, as only the data from one sample is loaded in memory at a time. On the other hand, settingchunkSize` to the total number of samples in an experiment will load the full MS data into memory and will thus in most settings cause an out-of-memory error.


parallel processing setup. Defaults to BPPARAM = bpparam(). See BiocParallel::bpparam() for details.


For adjustRtime: integer(1) defining the MS level on which the alignment should be performed.


For PeakGroupsParam: numeric(1) between 0 and 1 defining the minimum required proportion of samples in which peaks for the peak group were identified. Peak groups passing this criteria will be aligned across samples and retention times of individual spectra will be adjusted based on this alignment. For minFraction = 1 the peak group has to contain peaks in all samples of the experiment. Note that if subset is provided, the specified fraction is relative to the defined subset of samples and not to the total number of samples within the experiment (i.e., a peak has to be present in the specified proportion of subset samples).


For PeakGroupsParam: numeric(1) defining the maximal number of additional peaks for all samples to be assigned to a peak group (feature) for retention time correction. For a data set with 6 samples, extraPeaks = 1 uses all peak groups with a total peak count <= 6 + 1. The total peak count is the total number of peaks being assigned to a peak group and considers also multiple peaks within a sample that are assigned to the group.


For PeakGroupsParam: character(1) defining the function to be used to interpolate corrected retention times for all peak groups. Can be either "loess" or "linear".


For PeakGroupsParam: numeric(1) defining the degree of smoothing (if smooth = "loess"). This parameter is passed to the internal call to stats::loess().


For PeakGroupsParam: character(1) defining the method for loess smoothing. Allowed values are "gaussian" and "symmetric". See stats::loess() for more information.


For PeakGroupsParam: optional matrix of (raw) retention times for the (marker) peak groups on which the alignment should be performed. Each column represents a sample, each row a feature/peak group. The adjustRtimePeakGroups method is used by default to determine this matrix on the provided object.


For ObiwarpParam and PeakGroupsParam: integer with the indices of samples within the experiment on which the alignment models should be estimated. Samples not part of the subset are adjusted based on the closest subset sample. See Subset-based alignment section for details.


For ObiwarpParam and PeakGroupsParam: character(1) specifying the method with which non-subset samples should be adjusted. Supported options are "previous" and "average" (default). See Subset-based alignment section for details.


numeric(1) defining the bin size (in mz dimension) to be used for the profile matrix generation. See step parameter in profile-matrix documentation for more details.


integer(1) defining the index of the center sample in the experiment. It defaults to floor(median(1:length(fileNames(object)))). Note that if subset is used, the index passed with centerSample is within these subset samples.


For ObiwarpParam: numeric(1) defining the responsiveness of warping with response = 0 giving linear warping on start and end points and response = 100 warping using all bijective anchors.


For ObiwarpParam: character(1) defining the distance function to be used. Allowed values are "cor" (Pearson's correlation), "cor_opt" (calculate only 10% diagonal band of distance matrix; better runtime), "cov" (covariance), "prd" (product) and "euc" (Euclidian distance). The default value is distFun = "cor_opt".


For ObiwarpParam: numeric(1) defining the penalty for gap opening. The default value for depends on the value of distFun: distFun = "cor" and distFun = "cor_opt" it is 0.3, for distFun = "cov" and distFun = "prd" 0.0 and for distFun = "euc" 0.9.


For ObiwarpParam: numeric(1) defining the penalty for gap enlargement. The default value for gapExtend depends on the value of distFun: for distFun = "cor" and distFun = "cor_opt" it is 2.4, distFun = "cov" 11.7, for distFun = "euc" 1.8 and for distFun = "prd" 7.8.


For ObiwarpParam: numeric(1) defining the local weight applied to diagonal moves in the alignment.


For ObiwarpParam: numeric(1) defining the local weight for gap moves in the alignment.


For ObiwarpParam: logical(1) whether a local alignment should be performed instead of the default global alignment.


For ObiwarpParam: numeric(1) defining the penalty for initiating an alignment (for local alignment only).


For ObiwarpParam: numeric(1) defining the threshold to identify a gap in the sequence of retention times of (MS1) spectra of a sample/file. A gap is defined if the difference in retention times between consecutive spectra is > rtimeDifferenceThreshold of the median observed difference or retenion times of that data sample/file. Spectra with an retention time after such a gap will not be adjusted. The default for this parameter is rtimeDifferenceThreshold = 5. For Waters data with lockmass scans or LC-MS/MS data this might however be a too low threshold and it should be increased. See also issue #739.


The value for the slot.


An ObiwarpParam, PeakGroupsParam or LamaParama object.


adjustRtime on an OnDiskMSnExp or XCMSnExp object will return an XCMSnExp object with the alignment results.

adjustRtime on an MsExperiment or XcmsExperiment will return an XcmsExperiment with the adjusted retention times stored in an new spectra variable rtime_adjusted in the object's spectra.

ObiwarpParam, PeakGroupsParam and LamaParama return the respective parameter object.

adjustRtimeGroups returns a matrix with the retention times of marker features in each sample (each row one feature, each row one sample).

Subset-based alignment

All alignment methods allow to perform the retention time correction on a user-selected subset of samples (e.g. QC samples) after which all samples not part of that subset will be adjusted based on the adjusted retention times of the closest subset sample (close in terms of index within object and hence possibly injection index). It is thus suggested to load MS data files in the order in which their samples were injected in the measurement run(s).

How the non-subset samples are adjusted depends also on the parameter subsetAdjust: with subsetAdjust = "previous", each non-subset sample is adjusted based on the closest previous subset sample which results in most cases with adjusted retention times of the non-subset sample being identical to the subset sample on which the adjustment bases. The second, default, option is subsetAdjust = "average" in which case each non subset sample is adjusted based on the average retention time adjustment from the previous and following subset sample. For the average, a weighted mean is used with weights being the inverse of the distance of the non-subset sample to the subset samples used for alignment.

See also section Alignment of experiments including blanks in the xcms vignette for more details.


Prince, J. T., and Marcotte, E. M. (2006) "Chromatographic Alignment of ESI-LC-MS Proteomic Data Sets by Ordered Bijective Interpolated Warping" Anal. Chem., 78 (17), 6140-6152.

Smith, C.A., Want, E.J., O'Maille, G., Abagyan, R. and Siuzdak, G. (2006). "XCMS: Processing Mass Spectrometry Data for Metabolite Profiling Using Nonlinear Peak Alignment, Matching, and Identification" Anal. Chem. 78:779-787.

See also

plotAdjustedRtime() for visualization of alignment results.


Colin Smith, Johannes Rainer, Philippine Louail, Carl Brunius