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Extract (MS1 or MS2) spectra from an XcmsExperiment or XCMSnExp object for identified chromatographic peaks. To return spectra for selected chromatographic peaks, their peak ID (i.e., row name in the chromPeaks matrix) can be provided with parameter peaks. For msLevel = 1L (only supported for return.type = "Spectra" or return.type = "List") MS1 spectra within the retention time boundaries (in the file in which the peak was detected) are returned. For msLevel = 2L MS2 spectra are returned for a chromatographic peak if their precursor m/z is within the retention time and m/z range of the chromatographic peak. Parameter method allows to define whether all or a single spectrum should be returned:

  • method = "all": (default): return all spectra for each chromatographic peak.

  • method = "closest_rt": return the spectrum with the retention time closest to the peak's retention time (at apex).

  • method = "closest_mz": return the spectrum with the precursor m/z closest to the peaks's m/z (at apex); only supported for msLevel > 1.

  • method = "largest_tic": return the spectrum with the largest total signal (sum of peaks intensities).

  • method = "largest_bpi": return the spectrum with the largest peak intensity (maximal peak intensity).

  • method = "signal": only for object being a XCMSnExp: return the spectrum with the sum of intensities most similar to the peak's apex signal ("maxo"); only supported for msLevel = 2L.

Parameter return.type allows to specify the type of the result object. With return.type = "Spectra" (the default) a Spectra object with all matching spectra is returned. With return.type = "Spectra" a List of Spectra is returned. The length of the list is equal to the number of rows of chromPeaks. Each element of the list contains thus a Spectra with all spectra for one chromatographic peak (or a Spectra of length 0 if no spectrum was found for the respective chromatographic peak).

Parameter chromPeakColumns allows the user to add specific metadata columns from the chromatographic peaks (chromPeaks) to the returned spectra object. This can be useful to keep information such as retention time (rt), m/z (mz). The columns will be named as they are written in the chromPeaks object with the prefix "chrom_peak_". The peak ID (i.e., the row name of the peak in the chromPeaks matrix) is always added to the spectra object as a metadata column named "chrom_peak_id".

See also the LC-MS/MS data analysis vignette for more details and examples.


chromPeakSpectra(object, ...)

# S4 method for class 'XcmsExperiment'
  method = c("all", "closest_rt", "closest_mz", "largest_tic", "largest_bpi"),
  msLevel = 2L,
  expandRt = 0,
  expandMz = 0,
  ppm = 0,
  skipFilled = FALSE,
  peaks = character(),
  chromPeakColumns = c("rt", "mz"),
  return.type = c("Spectra", "List"),
  BPPARAM = bpparam()

# S4 method for class 'XCMSnExp'
  msLevel = 2L,
  expandRt = 0,
  expandMz = 0,
  ppm = 0,
  method = c("all", "closest_rt", "closest_mz", "signal", "largest_tic", "largest_bpi"),
  skipFilled = FALSE,
  return.type = c("Spectra", "MSpectra", "List", "list"),
  peaks = character()



XcmsExperiment or XCMSnExp object with identified chromatographic peaks for which spectra should be returned.




character(1) specifying which spectra to include in the result. Defaults to method = "all". See function description for details.


integer(1) defining the MS level of the spectra that should be returned.


numeric(1) to expand the retention time range of each peak by a constant value on each side.


numeric(1) to expand the m/z range of each peak by a constant value on each side.


numeric(1) to expand the m/z range of each peak (on each side) by a value dependent on the peak's m/z.


logical(1) whether spectra for filled-in peaks should be reported or not.


character, logical or integer allowing to specify a subset of chromatographic peaks in chromPeaks for which spectra should be returned (providing either their ID, a logical vector same length than nrow(chromPeaks(x)) or their index in chromPeaks(x)). This parameter overrides skipFilled.


character vector with the names of the columns from chromPeaks that should be added to the returned spectra object. The columns will be named as they are written in the chromPeaks object with a prefix "chrom_peak_". Defaults to c("mz", "rt").


character(1) defining the type of result object that should be returned.


parallel processing setup. Defaults to BiocParallel::bpparam().


parameter return.type allow to specify the type of the returned object:

  • return.type = "Spectra" (default): a Spectra object (defined in the Spectra package). The result contains all spectra for all peaks. Metadata column "peak_id" provides the ID of the respective peak (i.e. its rowname in chromPeaks().

  • return.type = "List": List of length equal to the number of chromatographic peaks is returned, each element being a Spectra with the spectra for one chromatographic peak.

For backward compatibility options "MSpectra" and "list" are also supported but are not suggested.

  • return.type = "MSpectra" (deprecated): a MSpectra object with elements being Spectrum objects. The result objects contains all spectra for all peaks. Metadata column "peak_id" provides the ID of the respective peak (i.e. its rowname in chromPeaks()).

  • return.type = "list": list of lists that are either of length 0 or contain Spectrum2 object(s) within the m/z-rt range. The length of the list matches the number of peaks.


Johannes Rainer


## Read a file with DDA LC-MS/MS data
fl <- system.file("TripleTOF-SWATH/PestMix1_DDA.mzML", package = "msdata")

dda <- readMsExperiment(fl)

## Perform MS1 peak detection
dda <- findChromPeaks(dda, CentWaveParam(peakwidth = c(5, 15),
    prefilter = c(5, 1000)))

## Return all MS2 spectro for each chromatographic peaks as a Spectra object
ms2_sps <- chromPeakSpectra(dda)
#> MSn data (Spectra) with 93 spectra in a MsBackendMzR backend:
#>       msLevel     rtime scanIndex
#>     <integer> <numeric> <integer>
#> 1           2   237.460      1810
#> 2           2   237.869      1812
#> 3           2   240.759      1842
#> 4           2   241.299      1846
#> 5           2   318.444      2391
#> ...       ...       ...       ...
#> 89          2   552.147      4948
#> 90          2   570.506      5077
#> 91          2   574.435      5108
#> 92          2   574.725      5110
#> 93          2   575.255      5115
#>  ... 36 more variables/columns.
#> file(s):
#> PestMix1_DDA.mzML
#> Processing:
#>  Filter: select MS level(s) 2 [Thu Feb  6 10:13:12 2025]
#>  Merge 1 Spectra into one [Thu Feb  6 10:13:12 2025] 

## spectra variable *chrom_peak_id* contain the row names of the peaks in the
## chromPeak matrix and allow thus to map chromatographic peaks to the
## returned MS2 spectra
#>  [1] "CP01" "CP01" "CP01" "CP01" "CP02" "CP03" "CP03" "CP03" "CP03" "CP04"
#> [11] "CP04" "CP04" "CP04" "CP06" "CP06" "CP06" "CP06" "CP06" "CP06" "CP07"
#> [21] "CP07" "CP07" "CP07" "CP07" "CP07" "CP07" "CP08" "CP08" "CP09" "CP09"
#> [31] "CP10" "CP10" "CP11" "CP11" "CP11" "CP11" "CP11" "CP12" "CP12" "CP12"
#> [41] "CP12" "CP12" "CP12" "CP13" "CP13" "CP13" "CP13" "CP13" "CP14" "CP14"
#> [51] "CP14" "CP15" "CP15" "CP15" "CP15" "CP15" "CP15" "CP17" "CP17" "CP17"
#> [61] "CP17" "CP17" "CP18" "CP18" "CP18" "CP18" "CP18" "CP19" "CP19" "CP19"
#> [71] "CP19" "CP19" "CP19" "CP20" "CP20" "CP20" "CP21" "CP21" "CP21" "CP22"
#> [81] "CP22" "CP22" "CP23" "CP23" "CP23" "CP23" "CP25" "CP25" "CP25" "CP27"
#> [91] "CP27" "CP27" "CP27"
#>            mz    mzmin    mzmax      rt   rtmin   rtmax        into        intb
#> CP01 219.0961 219.0933 219.0996 240.897 233.595 247.874 15236.49207 15222.54500
#> CP02 219.0947 219.0926 219.0963 319.236 311.979 324.874    76.97947    63.82131
#> CP03 227.9913 227.9902 227.9921 358.349 351.649 367.218  5511.96730  5496.32244
#> CP04 300.0312 300.0289 300.0321 366.568 360.029 375.738 12659.45398 12643.63044
#> CP05 302.0284 302.0273 302.0295 366.568 360.449 375.738  7953.70018  7938.19680
#> CP06 256.1102 256.1095 256.1109 388.167 379.097 397.326  7879.79234  7861.19876
#> CP07 224.0836 224.0831 224.0843 388.587 379.517 397.446  8904.69865  8886.41107
#> CP08 309.9980 309.9962 309.9987 405.715 399.527 415.525  5381.59741  5365.38152
#> CP09 378.0356 378.0341 378.0364 405.715 399.527 415.525  5117.90702  5101.66617
#> CP10 298.2751 298.2739 298.2781 345.711 339.830 354.979 39574.83769 39559.51278
#> CP11 308.0012 307.9983 308.0018 405.715 399.527 415.525  5630.65430  5614.25375
#> CP12 376.0385 376.0359 376.0391 405.715 399.527 415.525  5198.61440  5182.23188
#> CP13 292.1216 292.1204 292.1223 410.555 403.625 420.035 15783.11419 15766.32540
#> CP14 289.1217 289.1202 289.1229 425.434 415.525 433.478 10049.05516 10031.22736
#> CP15 304.1141 304.1119 304.1192 424.614 417.985 434.313 14704.14891 14687.51150
#> CP16 384.9700 384.9684 384.9706 440.533 433.893 449.312  8075.24022  8059.47631
#> CP17 382.9727 382.9715 382.9739 440.533 433.478 449.312  8307.76833  8291.81980
#> CP18 231.0144 231.0134 231.0151 450.992 444.342 460.691  5612.28545  5595.90874
#> CP19 306.1659 306.1624 306.1694 463.786 453.922 471.431 31273.95023 31256.40745
#> CP20 205.0970 205.0956 205.0976 459.421 453.092 466.461  5609.65542  5596.09130
#> CP21 230.9875 230.9862 230.9879 495.109 486.210 502.807  8036.59181  8019.64904
#> CP22 216.1414 216.1398 216.1418 508.678 502.680 516.408  4406.91863  4392.98419
#> CP23 330.2065 330.2008 330.2078 422.514 416.754 431.858   614.91821   599.73617
#> CP24 330.2059 330.2036 330.2081 474.408 460.261 479.107   248.31997   229.20853
#> CP25 330.2067 330.2054 330.2077 552.815 541.355 561.837  5890.30116  5869.52232
#> CP26 330.2057 330.2038 330.2076 505.738 495.519 515.868   315.87230   295.17246
#> CP27 373.0416 373.0406 373.0430 576.468 569.174 580.636  6184.87790  6173.40597
#>            maxo   sn sample
#> CP01 4877.11621 4876      1
#> CP02   19.35541   18      1
#> CP03 1459.38428 1458      1
#> CP04 3156.89258 3156      1
#> CP05 1974.66846 1974      1
#> CP06 1836.12695 1835      1
#> CP07 2268.62915 2268      1
#> CP08 1345.32336 1344      1
#> CP09 1300.64075 1300      1
#> CP10 8060.13037 8059      1
#> CP11 1450.15808 1449      1
#> CP12 1350.63330 1350      1
#> CP13 3203.84229 3203      1
#> CP14 2972.63916 2972      1
#> CP15 5009.70654 5009      1
#> CP16 2224.37622 2223      1
#> CP17 2361.33594 2360      1
#> CP18 1671.33203 1670      1
#> CP19 6300.43652 6299      1
#> CP20 1717.72607 1717      1
#> CP21 2244.02979 2243      1
#> CP22 1576.85681 1576      1
#> CP23  135.81871  135      1
#> CP24   19.64630   19      1
#> CP25 2102.92871 2102      1
#> CP26   27.88095   27      1
#> CP27 2511.13501 2510      1

## Alternatively, return the result as a List of Spectra objects. This list
## is parallel to chromPeaks hence the mapping between chromatographic peaks
## and MS2 spectra is easier.
ms2_sps <- chromPeakSpectra(dda, return.type = "List")
#>  [1] "CP01" "CP02" "CP03" "CP04" "CP05" "CP06" "CP07" "CP08" "CP09" "CP10"
#> [11] "CP11" "CP12" "CP13" "CP14" "CP15" "CP16" "CP17" "CP18" "CP19" "CP20"
#> [21] "CP21" "CP22" "CP23" "CP24" "CP25" "CP26" "CP27"
#>  [1] "CP01" "CP02" "CP03" "CP04" "CP05" "CP06" "CP07" "CP08" "CP09" "CP10"
#> [11] "CP11" "CP12" "CP13" "CP14" "CP15" "CP16" "CP17" "CP18" "CP19" "CP20"
#> [21] "CP21" "CP22" "CP23" "CP24" "CP25" "CP26" "CP27"
#> MSn data (Spectra) with 4 spectra in a MsBackendMzR backend:
#>     msLevel     rtime scanIndex
#>   <integer> <numeric> <integer>
#> 1         2   237.460      1810
#> 2         2   237.869      1812
#> 3         2   240.759      1842
#> 4         2   241.299      1846
#>  ... 36 more variables/columns.
#> file(s):
#> PestMix1_DDA.mzML
#> Processing:
#>  Filter: select MS level(s) 2 [Thu Feb  6 10:13:12 2025]
#>  Merge 1 Spectra into one [Thu Feb  6 10:13:12 2025] 

## Parameter `msLevel` allows to define from which MS level spectra should
## be returned. By default `msLevel = 2L` but with `msLevel = 1L` all
## MS1 spectra with a retention time within the retention time range of
## a chromatographic peak can be returned. Alternatively, selected
## spectra can be returned by specifying the selection criteria/method
## with the `method` parameter. Below we extract for each chromatographic
## peak the MS1 spectra with a retention time closest to the
## chromatographic peak's apex position. Alternatively it would also be
## possible to select the spectrum with the highest total signal or
## highest (maximal) intensity.
ms1_sps <- chromPeakSpectra(dda, msLevel = 1L, method = "closest_rt")
#> MSn data (Spectra) with 27 spectra in a MsBackendMzR backend:
#>       msLevel     rtime scanIndex
#>     <integer> <numeric> <integer>
#> 1           1   240.897      1843
#> 2           1   319.236      2396
#> 3           1   358.349      2813
#> 4           1   366.568      2924
#> 5           1   366.568      2924
#> ...       ...       ...       ...
#> 23          1   422.514      3571
#> 24          1   474.408      4266
#> 25          1   552.815      4958
#> 26          1   505.738      4549
#> 27          1   576.468      5122
#>  ... 36 more variables/columns.
#> file(s):
#> PestMix1_DDA.mzML
#> Processing:
#>  Filter: select MS level(s) 1 [Thu Feb  6 10:13:12 2025]
#>  Merge 1 Spectra into one [Thu Feb  6 10:13:12 2025] 

## Parameter peaks would allow to extract spectra for specific peaks only.
## Peaks can be defined with parameter `peaks` which can be either an
## `integer` with the index of the peak in the `chromPeaks` matrix or a
## `character` with its rowname in `chromPeaks`.
chromPeakSpectra(dda, msLevel = 1L, method = "closest_rt", peaks = c(3, 5))