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Extract ion chromatograms for features in an XcmsExperiment or XCMSnExp object. The function returns for each feature the extracted ion chromatograms (along with all associated chromatographic peaks) in each sample. The chromatogram is extracted from the m/z - rt region that includes all chromatographic peaks of a feature. By default, this region is defined using the range of the chromatographic peaks' m/z and retention times (with mzmin = min, mzmax = max, rtmin = min and rtmax = max). For some features, and depending on the data, the m/z and rt range can thus be relatively large. The boundaries of the m/z - rt region can also be restricted by changing parameters mzmin, mzmax, rtmin and rtmax to a different functions, such as median.

By default only chromatographic peaks associated with a feature are included in the returned XChromatograms object. For object being an XCMSnExp object parameter include allows also to return all chromatographic peaks with their apex position within the selected region (include = "apex_within") or any chromatographic peak overlapping the m/z and retention time range (include = "any").


featureChromatograms(object, ...)

# S4 method for class 'XcmsExperiment'
  expandRt = 0,
  expandMz = 0,
  aggregationFun = "max",
  features = character(),
  return.type = "XChromatograms",
  chunkSize = 2L,
  mzmin = min,
  mzmax = max,
  rtmin = min,
  rtmax = max,
  progressbar = TRUE,
  BPPARAM = bpparam()

# S4 method for class 'XCMSnExp'
  expandRt = 0,
  aggregationFun = "max",
  include = c("feature_only", "apex_within", "any", "all"),
  filled = FALSE,
  n = length(fileNames(object)),
  value = c("maxo", "into"),
  expandMz = 0,



XcmsExperiment or XCMSnExp object with grouped chromatographic peaks.


optional arguments to be passed along to the chromatogram() function.


numeric(1) to expand the retention time range for each chromatographic peak by a constant value on each side.


numeric(1) to expand the m/z range for each chromatographic peak by a constant value on each side. Be aware that by extending the m/z range the extracted EIC might no longer represent the actual identified chromatographic peak because intensities of potential additional mass peaks within each spectra would be aggregated into the final reported intensity value per spectrum (retention time).


character(1) specifying the name that should be used to aggregate intensity values across the m/z value range for the same retention time. The default "max" returns a base peak chromatogram.


integer, character or logical defining a subset of features for which chromatograms should be returned. Can be the index of the features in featureDefinitions, feature IDs (row names of featureDefinitions) or a logical vector.


character(1) defining how the result should be returned. At present only return.type = "XChromatograms" is supported and the results are thus returned as an XChromatograms() object.


For object being an XcmsExperiment: integer(1) defining the number of files from which the data should be loaded at a time into memory. Defaults to chunkSize = 2L.


function defining how the lower boundary of the m/z region from which the EIC is integrated should be defined. Defaults to mzmin = min thus the smallest "mzmin" value for all chromatographic peaks of a feature will be used.


function defining how the upper boundary of the m/z region from which the EIC is integrated should be defined. Defaults to mzmax = max thus the largest "mzmax" value for all chromatographic peaks of a feature will be used.


function defining how the lower boundary of the rt region from which the EIC is integrated should be defined. Defaults to rtmin = min thus the smallest "rtmin" value for all chromatographic peaks of a feature will be used.


function defining how the upper boundary of the rt region from which the EIC is integrated should be defined. Defaults to rtmax = max thus the largest "rtmax" value for all chromatographic peaks of a feature will be used.


logical(1) defining whether a progress bar is shown.


For object being an XcmsExperiment: parallel processing setup. Defaults to BPPARAM = bpparam(). See BiocParallel::bpparam() for more information.


Only for object being an XCMSnExp: character(1) defining which chromatographic peaks (and related feature definitions) should be included in the returned XChromatograms(). Defaults to "feature_only"; See description above for options and details.


Only for object being an XCMSnExp: logical(1) whether filled-in peaks should be included in the result object. The default is filled = FALSE, i.e. only detected peaks are reported.


Only for object being an XCMSnExp: integer(1) to optionally specify the number of top n samples from which the EIC should be extracted.


Only for object being an XCMSnExp: character(1) specifying the column to be used to sort the samples. Can be either "maxo" (the default) or "into" to use the maximal peak intensity or the integrated peak area, respectively.


XChromatograms() object. In future, depending on parameter return.type, the data might be returned as a different object.


The EIC data of a feature is extracted from every sample using the same m/z - rt area. The EIC in a sample does thus not exactly represent the signal of the actually identified chromatographic peak in that sample. The chromPeakChromatograms() function would allow to extract the actual EIC of the chromatographic peak in a specific sample. See also examples below.

Parameters include, filled, n and value are only supported for object being an XCMSnExp.

When extracting EICs from only the top n samples it can happen that one or more of the features specified with features are dropped because they have no detected peak in the top n samples. The chance for this to happen is smaller if x contains also filled-in peaks (with fillChromPeaks).

See also

filterColumnsKeepTop() to filter the extracted EICs keeping only the top n columns (samples) with the highest intensity. chromPeakChromatograms() for a function to extract an EIC for each chromatographic peak.


Johannes Rainer


## Load a test data set with detected peaks
faahko_sub <- loadXcmsData("faahko_sub2")

## Disable parallel processing for this example

## Perform correspondence analysis
xdata <- groupChromPeaks(faahko_sub,
    param = PeakDensityParam(minFraction = 0.8, sampleGroups = rep(1, 3)))

## Get the feature definitions
#>      mzmed mzmin mzmax    rtmed    rtmin    rtmax npeaks 1      peakidx
#> FT01 300.2 300.2 300.2 3387.143 3379.317 3390.271      4 3 35, 125,....
#> FT02 301.0 301.0 301.0 2787.766 2786.200 2792.459      3 3  10, 97, 198
#> FT03 326.2 326.2 326.2 3416.877 3415.311 3424.700      3 3 37, 128, 213
#> FT04 328.2 328.2 328.2 3626.581 3618.755 3631.274      3 3 64, 159, 231
#> FT05 329.2 329.2 329.2 3626.581 3618.755 3631.274      3 3 63, 156, 230
#> FT06 343.0 343.0 343.0 2684.479 2678.218 2686.042      3 3   6, 92, 195
#> FT07 344.0 344.0 344.0 2682.914 2679.783 2686.042      3 3   3, 90, 193
#> FT08 354.2 354.2 354.2 3614.061 3610.930 3621.884      3 3 56, 153, 228
#> FT09 356.2 356.2 356.2 3830.025 3819.069 3833.153      3 3 78, 180, 241
#> FT10 365.0 365.0 365.0 2684.479 2679.783 2686.042      3 3   7, 93, 196
#> FT11 438.3 438.3 438.3 4052.248 4047.552 4060.071      3 3 81, 186, 248
#> FT12 496.2 496.2 496.2 3335.498 3316.719 3340.194      3 3 47, 143, 220
#> FT13 496.2 496.2 496.2 3402.791 3384.012 3410.617      3 3 48, 144, 221
#> FT14 508.2 508.2 508.2 3524.859 3515.468 3529.552      3 3 67, 163, 232
#> FT15 509.2 509.2 509.2 3523.294 3512.338 3531.117      3 3 54, 160, 229
#> FT16 522.2 522.2 522.2 3387.142 3344.888 3434.091      6 3 52, 53, ....
#> FT17 523.2 523.2 523.2 3387.142 3344.888 3434.091      6 3 38, 39, ....
#> FT18 524.2 524.2 524.2 3676.658 3598.410 3704.828      4 3 74, 75, ....
#> FT19 525.2 525.2 525.2 3690.742 3662.574 3706.393      3 3 72, 173, 238
#> FT20 532.2 532.2 532.2 3482.605 3476.344 3488.863      3 3 49, 137, 219
#> FT21 536.2 536.2 536.2 3712.653 3703.262 3718.912      3 3 73, 174, 237
#>      ms_level
#> FT01        1
#> FT02        1
#> FT03        1
#> FT04        1
#> FT05        1
#> FT06        1
#> FT07        1
#> FT08        1
#> FT09        1
#> FT10        1
#> FT11        1
#> FT12        1
#> FT13        1
#> FT14        1
#> FT15        1
#> FT16        1
#> FT17        1
#> FT18        1
#> FT19        1
#> FT20        1
#> FT21        1

## Extract ion chromatograms for the first 3 features. Parameter
## `features` can be either the feature IDs or feature indices.
chrs <- featureChromatograms(xdata,
    features = rownames(featureDefinitions)[1:3])

## Plot the EIC for the first feature using different colors for each file.
plot(chrs[1, ], col = c("red", "green", "blue"))

## The EICs for all 3 samples use the same m/z and retention time range,
## which was defined using the `featureArea` function:
featureArea(xdata, features = rownames(featureDefinitions(xdata))[1:3],
    mzmin = min, mzmax = max, rtmin = min, rtmax = max)
#>      mzmin mzmax    rtmin    rtmax
#> FT01 300.2 300.2 3362.104 3413.746
#> FT02 301.0 301.0 2765.855 2820.630
#> FT03 326.2 326.2 3391.837 3449.740

## To extract the actual (exact) EICs for each chromatographic peak of
## a feature in each sample, the `chromPeakChromatograms` function would
## need to be used instead. Below we extract the EICs for all
## chromatographic peaks of the first feature. We need to first get the
## IDs of all chromatographic peaks assigned to the first feature:
peak_ids <- rownames(chromPeaks(xdata))[featureDefinitions(xdata)$peakidx[[1L]]]

## We can now pass these to the `chromPeakChromatograms` function with
## parameter `peaks`:
eic_1 <- chromPeakChromatograms(xdata, peaks = peak_ids)

## To plot these into a single plot we need to use the
## `plotChromatogramsOverlay` function: